Only Proof Of NSO Pegasus or Superior
Remote Hacking iPad 6 (+13 other Apple products) 12/2021 to Present
I'm a Whistleblower finder of $3Billion in fraud and a profit scheme killing San Diego homeless. Retaliation was severe in NSO Pegasus hacking.
So sophisticated I factory reset and still hacked immediately after so I researched what program survives reset? I find FILE-LESS there's nothing to detect or delete, truly futuristic. It operates in the memory system
I set out to prove hack was file-less. I instigated my hacker right after reset. And he was upset and responded in my name in dialogue in integer place. This proves file-less to survive reset, zero click and total device capture and control in dialogue box OS. NSO Pegasus or superior.

APPLE Gaslights hacked customers iPhone 1 - 16 et al Apple Devices Fraud. All remote hackable, but Apple blames hacked Customers. Conversation below.
With my NSO Pegasus evidence I contacted Apple for help. I was being tortured, my life at risk and being silenced. Agent blamed me for most sophisticated hack - "Password or a Stranger held your phone". I told her "Neither way is how phones get hacked. The password is just Apple ID account, that's not the device. You dont hold a phone to hack it. How? You open it and install hardware? The only way held is when stalking partners install nanny programs on your iPad to spy on you. That's not hacking.
If Apple remote updates iPhone 1 - 16 it always could be remote hacked by bad actor, the same act, capability & technology. My iPhone 13 And iPad Air 4 were both remote hacked, that means my 12 earlier Apple devices can all be remote hacked. Less technologically advanced.
All remote hackable since 2008 and 1 Billion Apple device owners have claims.

Global Disability Via Whistleblower Retaliation and Cyber Crimes

Apple Devices Unhackable lies.
If Apple updates your device remotely, it can be hacked remotely. They only need your phone number, bluetooth or Wifi or a vulnerability and iPhone has ample.
My $50 Motorola comped by Visible was far superior to all my Apple devices which were all but Pegasus sympethasizers. I never got any of my 14 Apple devices in safe mode or hot spots to work, not just hacked but in ever. I owe my life to Android hotspot, safe mode and customer service who was humble, helpful and never blamed me, believed me and didn't abdicate all responsibility.
.I don't have to prove Tim Cook read this article about remote hack NSO Pegasus 2016, Apple industry leader has a duty to know.

Apple Partner - UBS Financial Services Aka Wealth Management USA - No LLC or Official Registration
Not necessarily required but this business does not look legitimate. It claims a location in San Diego non-existent. Does not respond to BBB complaints 90%. Strange statements and everything discouraging you from interacting on site. It impressed me as fake or fraudulent when I saw the transactions immediately following sending top 6 Apple Insiders my claims.


CORRECTION: UBS is NOT totally fake. More a REAL financial crime spree.

APPLE INC Suspected Securities Fraud - UBS - Jeffrey Williams & Diedre Obrien Lacking personifiers

E-mails Sent to Apple Leadership RE: My Potential Claims 7/30/23, 8/2/23, 8/6/23
Case #1 - Whistleblower tortured almost to death. Blamed, gaslighted left for dead. With proof of Pegasus.
Case #2 - Proof of Pegasus I can class action Pegagus hacked journalists. 20,000 and I was disabled. $Trillions
Case #3 - All iPhones #1 - #16 Remote hackable if remote Updatable. My iPhone 13 and iPad Air 4 were remote hacked as were my other 12 Apple devices, all earlier versions and less technologically advanced. Apple blames hacked customers. Password or Stranger held phone? Neither applicable ways devices are hacked. Fraud iPhone 1 - 16.
Emails to Apple Leadership 7/30/23, 8/2/23, 8/6/23
Ive been gravely harmed by hacking, Apple & AT&T's negligence, corruption, depraved indifference. Here I'm forced into arbitration, everyone is corrupt and I'm being hacked by AT&T lawyer who is reporting to Apple. I CCed Apple Leadership in emails whenever I demanded restitution or justice or law abiding or to stop hacking me.
I sent an email to Apple Leadership 8/2/23 and this was immediately kicked back. I thought weird "It existed yesterday"

I sent the automated message to all.

APPLE 1ST $Trillion Company On The Planet

Then a bit later I heard about obscene and massive stock sales. I thought "If insider trading, what could be worse for Apple than my 2 Apple device wide class actions and fraud claim and a whistleblower hacked to death, gaslighted, disabled and left for dead cases? If something worse than my case happened to Apple after my case, that's quite a coincidence and the absolute worse day for Apple. No If it's insider trading it's likely my cases. It is. It's $3Trillion only going up $1T every 2 years but everyone Top Apple Insiders is getting out. They own less than 1% of Apple now.

What is wrong with being the most valuable company on the planet?
I query Warren Buffett now. Why isn't he or Black Rock buying up Apple? Why is everyone getting out of Apple stock? Theyre the most valuable company on the planet and billionaires, trilionaires arent trying to own Apple, they're dumping it's stock and SEC is allowing illegal trades? C'mon now, people. No it's my cases.

SUBMITTED INSIDER TRADES REPORTS Vs Tim Cook, Katherine Adams, Luca Maestri, Jeffrey Williams 11.4.24

If you suffered hacking, or harms via Apple Devices, or interested in being contacted on developments for an Apple Device Owner wide collective action, my contact info on 1st page. CDC et al Vs Apple Tim Cook CEO - Fraud iPhone 1- 16 remote, only way, hackable.