Chelsea Investment Corporation - Dummy Front
I read this article about Father Joe's Village property Teresa Of Calcutta on 14th St built by partner Chelsea Investment Corporation for $148,000,000.

I research Chelsea Investment Corporation and within 15 minutes I deduce it is a dummy front.
Chelsea Investment Corporation Offshore registration in Barbados.
I doubt Yea, Anydyke and Self David are real people much less company principals. These are the only individuals with claim to Chelsea Investment Corporation.
This is by design, there will never be real people behind Chelsea Investment Corporation so when they're busted, no one will claim it.

Here is Owner Occupant of Chelsea Investment Corporation property. He has no personfiers or any details, just a name

Chelsea Investment Corporation Headquarters is a 1300 SQ ft warehouse.

More Property Morphing

I noticed different "actresses" pretending to be the same executive. Interesting.

Chelsea Investment Corporation's only known phone number is (760) 456-6000. $3Billion revenue, they're national with 60-100 employees and only 1 line.
Of course I called it and it was worse than I hoped for.
I used my real Google voice so I got their return call. But no Jim Schmid, the man, the myth, the woman's voice recorded legend and called me "Charity".
"Charity!! We know it's you!! Ok, Call us back. You have THE number"
JIM SCHMID,The Man, The Myth, The Faker
That's Jim Schmid on the far right circa 2015. He's husky, a big boy and gone pure white on top.

This is who they claim is Jim Schmid beginning with my 2021 lawsuit. Hes not even grayed nor husky. But not the $3Billion Housing developer Legend, Brains and Business bravado, No. He looks less sophisticated, special really.

Father Joe's and Chelsea Investment Corporation are attached at the hip according to all San Diego Media, but not on their website. Listed nowhere in corporate partners.
I think it looks worse not to but I know they're fake.This is consciousness of guilt #1.

This is Father Joe's Website. The 4 ways they end homelessness. When all Father Joe's Village and Chelsea Investment Corporation do is fraud properties together, nowhere does it say build affordable housing with Chelsea Investment Corporation. Consciousness of Guilt #2.

Alpha Project forgot about Chelsea Investment Corporation too. Poor Chelsea Investment Corporation, it's as if they don't exist, their best buddies forget them. Consciousness of guilt #3 for 3.

This is a loan from the San Diego Housing Commission & The City of San Diego to Chelsea Investment Corporation for almost $70,000,000 on a 1300 sq ft warehouse valued at $3.9M likely appraisal fraud. Wow, San Diego!!
So I applied for a low income housing loan with 6339 Paseo Del Lago Carlsbad my principal property and collateral, I'm a real person, I won't be incarcerated next 5 years. I'll have income and be able to pay back a loan and I was told I could borrow $2,000,000 max.
How did Chelsea Investment Corporation get 17x value of their property without principals or even a human being in the process?
This is an LLC with dozens of LLCs behind the front.
This is the San Diego Housing Commission Planet Bids intended to be public.Transparency. When they're spending $Billions of taxpayer money there really shouldn't be secrets.
The public bids system has been down 3+ years.
There is no honorable reason for these bids to be private for a day much less 3+ years.

I reported Chelsea Investment Corporation to be a dummy corporation on San Diego City major donor list. I provided evidence of such 100%. You have a money laundering LLC as a donor. Tell them "No, you're fake"
But no, told me "Go home and wait for the FEDS"
No, we elect a city of overpaid, puppets to deal with this!
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