My 1st Week - Hep A Outbreak in San Diego. East Village and Father Joe's ground zero.

We have clients using pens, touching door knobs and handles. 

I asked my boss, "Can I get Hep A vaccine?"

She says, "No, leadership is offering employees Hep B vaccines"

I said, "What? We're not having sex and sharing needles with clients, just pens and door knobs. I don't need a B vaccine, can I request an A vaccine?"

She said, "No, If you want a Hep A vaccine you have to get it on your own"

I thought "Wow. What a bunch of sadistic assholes" Insult recieved, leadership thinks we need protection from Hep B in our client relations.

A few weeks later I got really sick which is rare for me. It seemed in line with Hep A symptoms but I never got A vaccine on my own. I'm fairly certain I have organ damage, my liver. My own fault.


My 1st Whistleblower at Father Joe's Village - OSHA - in my 1st 90 days.

I worked in the Joan Kroc Center summer of 2018 while San Diego was having a heat wave. It was 100° downtown in East Village. Over 100 people worked in the JKC.

We were on the 2nd floor, 10 or so offices, with only 2 - 4 inch x 12 inch windows up ceiling height. The A/C had been broken since 9/2017.

It was 100° outside and it must've been 125° upstairs in the JKC. People dripped sweat non-stop on our desks and paperwork. I would be dehydrated and often sickened and couldn't eat lunch. When I got home I had kidney pains or I would dry heave for hours. We had to buy our own fans to fit ON our desks which helped little. Everyone was miserable.

I asked around and everyone said they had requested repair and been ignored, denied and leadership would not authorize it. 

I said "They will now"

Everyone said, "No they won't, Charity. They're never going to fix it. Don't complain. They'll fire you. Don't make yourself a target!"

I said, "Listen, I'm hypomanic and run 5° hotter than all of you. I have to get the A/C fixed or I have to quit. Don't worry, I'm not going to get fired. I didn't come here to fix the A/C but it has to get fixed"

I submit a maintenance request. The next day I received an email that says "Maintenance request Completed - Closed"

I check and there's no A/C. 

I submit another maintenance request. 

Next day - Email "Completed request - Closed" I check and still no A/C.

I seek out the head maintenance tech and he says they can't fix it. 

I told him "Then, You need to hire someone who can and will"

He says "Put in a request" 

I do. 

They hire a small mom & pop that did not repair the A/C. I get the email "Maintenance Request Completed - Closed"

No working A/C. Lead tech says nothing else he could do. 

I do my research and submit a 4th and final  request like so:

"This is the hottest summer on record since the bronze age. You have 2 choices you can pay OSHA compliant company to certify repair of the A/C in JKC so we are not 45° above regulation 74° or you can install 12 windows with proper window to space ratio and complete air exchange cycles per hour in compliance with OSHA standards. And I don't care what's been done before. I'm here NOW and we'll do things BY THE BOOK!"

They called out a crew of repairmen that tore out the ceiling on two floors, for 3 weeks straight. It was a mess, demoed 1/2 JKC but the A/C was repaired As I promised. I have a will that has never been defeated and I am sure in it.

People were smiling and chatting and no one was almost passing out. Employees looked happy during business hours and enjoying their work and each other. It was really nice to see. A total 180° of environment.

My boss came and said "I don't know how you did it, but you're a badass and everyone in JKC knows who you are. We Thank you,"

I said, "I didnt have a choice. I love this job and I was going to have to quit if I couldn't get the A/C fixed"

She says, "I have a message from Leadership. They don't want your stories and they don't like you quoting OSHA"

I said, "I don't care what Leadership likes or doesn't like. I'm not tolerating their neglect and depraved indifference"



We work with the chronically homeless, the population most susceptible to disease and infection, many hygienically challenged. 

The Medical director sent out an email that gave suggestions and discouraged mask wearing. 

I emailed him and said, "Do not discourage people wearing masks. Which have worked almost 100% in disease prevention for 200 years since the germ was discovered. They work now. Don't discourage mask wearing"

He emails another COVID advisement and discouraged mask wearing again.

So I lit him up challenging his license and credentials and his oath to do no harm. "Discouraging mask wearing is going to get someone killed. Why dont you omit the mask wearing direction and don't advise on masks at all. Do no harm"

We are 3 weeks into community spread and we had no protocols or direction to serve the homeless, are we driving them, do they come into the office? No supplies including no soap, I think intentional it had never happened before, never ran out of soap, in all of our dispensers and no hand sanitizer which has to be removed, we had no PPE, no masks or gloves, nothing, not even instruction and leadership MIA but for discouraging masks. The only direction repeatedly given.

I am furious. 

Everyone was suffering AGAIN and they cared not, seemed to be enjoying it and it pissed me off to no end. I stood at their evil lair and heard Bill Bolstad say "They're going to start dropping like flies"

I went absolutely psycho on them. 

"Pieces of Leadershit! I'm not letting you kill these people!!! You're going to get everything we need!!! If one employee dies of COVID, I'm GOING  TO END ALL OF YOU. Get supplies here now!! NOW NOW NOW NOW BEFORE I KILL ALL OF YOU PSYCHOPATHS!!! NOW NOW NOW"

We got pallets of supplies to each department, every thing necessary. Or didn't occur to me where the supplies came from until recently. Stores were bare 3 weeks into community spread. I have a will undefeated. 

But 7 psychopaths, saw their error in our intentional sabotage and they got organized made it happen.

They're terrified of me. Why? Theyre pure evil. I'm not afraid of them but you wouldn't think they'd be afraid of me. Weird.

They are. That's all that matters. I'll make you psychos care about these people. Fake it psychos.

The next day they sent an advisement omitting the mask Direction just like I told him to and they wrote me up for lying.

Because I said masks work and told medical director he was wrong.

Doctors who discouraged masks should have their licenses pulled. The medical director did his internship at the CDC. Why is he confused about masks and infectious disease? He didn't need one at the CDC. They should not be doctors. 200 years of science, Ive never heard of a single mask fail to prevent infection or disease.

The wrong CDC said masks are more dangerous to put on than not to have. How does that make any sense? The mask is not the danger in the situation. 

I get called a liar in my employee record and I'm 100% correct. 4 days later the CDC reversed their absurd mask discouraging and advised everyone to wear masks. As I said. 

Well I'm the CDC too Charity Dawn Chavez and I was the right CDC during COVID and the derelict Center for Disease Control was wrong. Dead wrong. I don't know what that's like derelict CDC, I'm never wrong and my will never defeated even by 7 psychopaths. Boom.