I wanted my clients out of these buildings or safe from these people in the least. July of 2022 I reported my whistleblower, findings and grim experiences to Mayor Todd Gloria.
He said, "I have 2 committees investigating Chelsea Investment Corporation"
I thought, "Great, he's going to help me And my homeless folks"
A month or so later I see "Midway Rising".
Gloria has conceded City property to Chelsea Investment Corporation a fake company and another $230,000,000.

I escalate my reports up to the Governor of CA Gavin Newsom. I've been enduring horrific retaliation and I'm in desperate shape. This was a true plea for help. Surely Newsom will save us...

I couldn't fit the evidence in one email so I promised one to follow and minutes after sending my first email, I'm blocked. A Whistleblower. He couldn't have time to read my 57 page complaint and he's obligated. He couldn't have time to research Chelsea Investment Corporation, he had to know who they were.
There is no honorable reason to block or not help a whistleblower, Corruption. And dumb, why not roll my emails to the trash? What is wrong with you? Likely didn't want more evidence on the server. But the Feds will pull both my emails from the main server. Still Wow!
I realized, they were so careless and went about corruption as if I didnt exist because none of these corrupt people expected me to survive to share their blocks and lies and their non-sense. My employer almost killed me too many times to count and I realize I'm not supposed to be here to report to you and share evidence with the Feds.

I confront Mayor Todd Gloria again and get no response.

More Chelsea Investment Corporation contracts 2024 and ever more money $700M. It's never enough.
I remember the days of giddy excitement at Father Joe's over $25,000,000 contracts in 2018.
$150,000,000 2021.
$700,000,000 2024. To build a building?! For homeless people?! I hope all San Diego homeless can live there.
These people are next level greedy, one company is totally fake, one pure evil and together their buildings are gouging, fraudulent, deaths traps.

I've learned my homeless folks are being tortured and held against their will for occupancy rates until some die to win $Billions in government contracts which is far TOO MUCH MONEY to build anything obviously it's to steal.
Listen Folks, these less than 200 SQ ft units in these God awful "building" monstrosities cost $750,000 to build, a STUDIO. You can get a Cozy house on the beach for that!
OR we could buy each homeless person a $25,000 tiny home and that would be the end of all of this.
But, no our corrupt government expects US to pay 3/4 $1,000,000 to build A studio for A homeless person?!?!
They say the alternative is to maintain a chronically homeless person's life on the streets and temporary shelters for as much $100,000 a year each.
These are the two most expensive options.
You're both completely insane!
Newsom & Gloria
California has spent $24,000,000,000 on homelessness since 2018.
There are more homeless people than ever before, now.
Not 1 more person housed for $24Billion, (Net).
No progress made on California homelessness.
They said "We spent it on the homeless but we can't account for it. So Trust us". No, if you accounted for the money with no progress made, you might get benefit of the doubt.
But, Unfortunately for the two of you there's 0 evidence any homeless person benefited from $1 of $24B. How greedy and corrupt can you be?!?
Where's the Money Newsom & Gloria?!?!
I KNOW where the money went and You're both disgusting.
There's 185,000 homeless people in California. Divide $24B would give $130,000 to each, plenty to purchase a tiny home and provide all wrap around services.
Something to show is always better than Gloria Newsom $24B nothing.

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