The Evil came after Father Joe retired in 2011.

And sometime around 2015 CFO Bill Bolstad, Evil incarnate, Degree in Real Estate Development, turned the organization into real estate development. Not Deacon nor leadership, care about homeless people they resent and detest them. The employees do thank God.

I worked on the wrong side of the tracks and I was neighbors with Father Joe who lived in one of the houses owned by FJV. I also saluted him daily as I passed and said "I'm your employee. I don't work for psychopaths"

Father Joe was a double amputee, sick and dying, alone, in the ghetto. No one ever visited him, not one visitor and that made me sad for him because he loved so many and so much and nobody loved him. I did but I didn't know him and I felt intrusive but I should've visited him. And I regret not knowing him especially with all that has and will happen with his life's work and me. I wish I got to know him because we're bonded spiritually.

Leadership all live in La Jolla on their $120,000 salaries. Corruption. They left him in a bunch of debt and didn't take care of him and left him for dead in the ghetto while they rob his company and live 10X beyond their means in La Jolla. It just disgusted me. 

If Father Joe were here he'd be protecting the homeless like I am and furious their deaths are being ignored or covered up, like I am.

Everyone supporting this leadership is not on Father Joe's side, they left him for dead in debt, in the ghetto,  17th & Commercial and rob us blind to live in La Jolla. 

Father Joe would be right here with me doing exactly what I'm doing.

There's corruption and there's pure evil and then there are their sympathizers. San Diego Media, Law Enforcement, the lawyers, majority. 


It's not been Father Joe for 13 years and now passed for 3 and I say "Thank God because these people are going to destroy his company and he doesn't have to be here to watch it"

Thank You Father Joe. You're a saint and Leadership are psychopathic demons.