Deacon Jim CEO of Father Joe's Village Malignant Narcissist Linguistics 0 Insight & Totally Toxic.
Deacon Jim is a malignant narcissist with an aversion to poverty and resentment towards the homeless. He grew up poor in the Bronx but now on his $120,000 salary he lives where he feels entitled to be, La Jolla, home valued at $2.1M when I sued in 2021 then it dived to $600K.
He says exactly what he means. I believe people think he mis-speaks or omits words or reverses order, it's not true. He's very literal, toxic and with no insight.

He's not reducing incidents of homelessness. He's saying "We need to reduce the numbers of these individuals" as in "cease to exist". That's exactly what Deacon means. He wants to eliminate them, not solve homelessness.

"10s of 1,000s of our neighbors", No, close we're at 8500 at this point Deacon.
Then he says they're "forced to live on the streets to survive" not "forced to survive on the streets" AKA "Homelessness". Totally different. What is Deacon talking about your pre-maturely dying in your home? Who is forced to the streets to survive? People housed & dying in his buildings. Deacon says exactly what he means. 0 insight.

Deacon knows deaths have not been at 100 or less since his arrival. In the industry, he knows exactly how many died previous year. Here, He's reducing homeless deaths by a 3rd. Who does that? Someone Guilty of killing them, or someone who wants them dead but most certainly someone with disdain and hatred. Who reduces the dead? Hitler did. And he's a narcissist he cant let them have attention or sympathy.

How does providing details restrict how you can spend money? Unless the details are not legal or allowed. Listen to what he said. He wants flexibility and thus does not like giving details. He's Totally corrupt.

Who criticizes Gods communications? Apparently God is shady with Deacon. Deacon is more righteous than God, at the very least Deacon thinks they're equals, he talks about God like a peer and critically. God complex.

To the "victim's" family. He's not a victim Deacon. He's the deceased who fell to his death. He's not a fall victim unless you all threw him off the building. You can fall victim to a predatory Catholic organization and a massive fraud. But you're not a "fall victim". But you're right, first victim of Teresa Of Calcutta, Deacon. You're beyond corrupt.

San Diegans see their homeless neighbors and want to help, bringing sandwiches and blankets on their lunch breaks. Doing what they can but resented by Deacon because they're not doing our jobs or addressing the corruption, underlying but #1 cause of homelessness.
Deacon has to criticize our citizens helping in ways they can with the time they have. But thank you San Diego for the sandwiches and blankets, you're wonderful, Deacon criticizes you, but he also criticizes the almighty.

Every interview Deacon does he leads with "I live in La Jolla". It's paramount to his identity.
But I walked through the courtyard he speaks of 500 times, every lunch. I saw A mother and A child maybe 2 - 3 dozen times. Playing, or just eating. But Deacon imagines he sees many mothers correcting misbehavior and that makes him happy. What lunatic enjoys watching imaginary children being punished?

This is what psychopathic leadership did to their website when they thought I'd died. It's the clients in hunter night vision and Chelsea Investment Corporation buildings come down and crush them.
I lit them up "Take it down Right now! I'm not letting you kill these people and rub it in our faces on your website!! Take that website down!! Right NOW! YOU PSYCHOS!!
They did. Back to Circa 2011 Father Joe's Village Website. Within a day it was down.


Everyone in the industry says "Were ending homelessness. Only Father Joe's and since retired Father Joe, says "One life at a time". That says Ending Lives. And we dont end homelessness one life at a time, if we did we'd have no grants. We house many people simultaneously. Sometimes like Teresa Of Calcutta 400 lives at a time, or COVID motels 90 lives at a time. Were the largest organization 444 strong, we can't end one life at a time, we'd be out of business. It makes no sense.
These organizations use the saying too, but no one is ending lives like Father Joe's psychopathic leadership.