Wicked Retaliation and my losses are a life in total. 

I was hacked with NSO Pegasus by Father Joes Village opposing lawyer, John A Mayers formerly of Mulvaney Barry. 

I was so hacked I would factory reset and the hacker program was not wiped at all 

I researched ‘What program can survive reset?’

The answer is FILE-LESS. No files. Nothing to detect or delete. Truly futuristic. It operates in the memory system but malware detection is not possible.

I set out to prove my hacker was using a FILE-less program. 

Blue enhanced photo, I instigated my hacker right after reset to prove FILE-less. My hacker got mad and responded with rejection integer in the form of my name.

This is right after reset and my info is not in iOS system yet. No glitch. 

It proves the program fileless to survive factory reset, it’s zero click and total device capture and control to control the operating system, proof of NSO Pegasus or superior.

They stole and deleted all my information from devices and accounts. Intercepted all my communications, controlled all my accounts, forwarded my phone. Took control of my life and for 2-3 years.

Retaliation in 24 hour surveillance, there was a man parked on adjacent street always there watching me. He would come to scare me when I had minor victories, ram my door or try to break in.

They put my life in danger daily. They intercepted my medications, prevented me speaking to Doctor, law enforcement, even 911 and emergency services.

I was completely isolated, between 11/16/21 - 1/10/2022 I got 0 calls, texts, emails over 3 holidays, did not receive any correspondence or speak to a soul. 

 Sometimes I couldn't buy food and I never controlled my finances for over 2 years. 

I've never been raped thankfully but this hacking is so invasive and personal it feels 100% physical. I felt intensely violated every day, all day. It was so scary and lonely and it felt like it would never end. 

I developed Lupus and organ compromise. I was dying and I had to stop their retaliation so I dropped my winning  whistleblower case 7/2022 dismissed without prejudice. They gave up killing me, I believe they thought the Lupus would.

This was me in 2018 when I started at Father Joe's Village, I was 40 in a prime of sorts. That's me on the right in 2022 after 21 months of FJV RPM CIC retaliation and NSO Pegasus hacking. I almost died.

Instead they killed my Maximus. I heard his collar bell and his yelp from outside as if grabbed. Then he didn't come home. I know it was my adversaries because I was taunted for months. Calls and messages on social media telling me my cat was dead and the ways and means how.  This was the worst of my experience. Devastated and I still am today as is his smaller sister Minimus.