I had 3 clients I was to move out of Island Village, horrific place due to mental health deterioration. They all said similarly "Charity if you don't get me out of here by Friday I'm going to kill myself" We did welfare checks they were so desperate.
2 of them I found 1 bedroom units, we signed leases, ready to go but I got messages almost identical, from all 3.
"Thank you for your help. Please cancel my move. I like it here now"
I asked "What happened?! What's going on there?! What do you mean you like it there now?! What are they doing to you?! Tell me!!
None of them ever responded.
This pattern I found, trapping my clients was presumably to increase occupancy rates.
In 2018 Deacon Jim and CFO Bill Bolstad were boasting a $25Million contract. Deacon said "We keep our buildings full, that's why we win these contracts" The only time he said it and the only time I've heard it.
Occupancy Rates incentivized by $Billions in government contracts.
There is a precedent. Prisons incentivized occupancy but most stopped because prisoners were being falsely imprisoned. Same results.
(San Diego has an explosive in custody death rate. I believe similarly, the San Diego jails are incentivized by occupancy rates. They dehumanize and treat as numbers. They are arresting people who should be hospitalized and doing counts but not proper rounds checking for signs of life, missing distress or decompensation and thus deaths. My Whistleblower #2 San Diego)
I protected a client from false imprisonment by my employer Father Joe's Village and Royal Property Management. I was fired 6 days later 10/20/2020 for a no fault offense, unrelated.
My attorney Yangkyoung Lee filed my lawsuit 37-2021-00013270 on 3/25/2021.
Employee Vs Father Joe's Village
1986 - 1/2022. There were as many lawsuits in the 35 years previous to mine as in the 9 months following it.
Father Joe's Village HR Director walked out on his job 3 weeks before I was fired.
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